Summer Music Academy Info for Parents & Students

Important Information


Please read the pdf below for your session. Each packet has important information you need to know, a list of what you need to bring, audition prep information, and what you can expect while you’re here.

Required Forms:

Health Form

This form is REQUIRED for everyone.

Due: Minimum of 30 days PRIOR to start of your session.

Liability Waivers & Permissions Form

This form is REQUIRED for everyone.

Due: Minimum of 30 days PRIOR to start of your session.

Medications Portal

If your child will be bringing/taking medication while on campus, these medications are REQUIRED to be entered into this portal. You will need to log into your account, click on your child’s name, then click on “Medications.” From there, you can enter all medications.

Due: Minimum of 30 days PRIOR to start of your session.

NOTE: Dosage entered into this portal is what will be given to your child. Please make sure the prescribed dosage on the bottle matches what your child currently takes and what's entered into this portal.


Online Payment Portal

Tuition balance is due minimum of 30 days PRIOR to start of your session.


Shuttle Service

Form is required for anyone requesting to be PICKED UP from the Green Bay Airport or Greyhound Station. All Sessions end Saturday night – Shuttle not available for a Sunday drop off/return.

Due: Minimum of 14 days prior to start of your session.

Additional Fee for this service: $60 per trip

Additional Information: